T o achieve great feet in your chosen area of specialization, demands the productive use of your time and energy. wisdom is also required to know the right things to be implemented and also the wrong things to be ignored In other for you to soar with happiness in your chosen career. Below are six things to be eradicate in other to achieve mass growth in your day to day activities. 1.) Bad Friends/ Peer group; There is a common saying that birds of the same feather flock's together. That statement is quite true because two or more friends always do things in common as it is commonly observe among people. So if your friends are not encouraging you to do better or they doubt your abilities, you should begin to develop a second thought. People you should consider as friends should be people who motivates you, believe in your abilities and even support you to achieve your goals. 2.) Unprofitable stress; Unprofitable stress should also be avoided. A...
Procrastination is one harmful and dangerous thing which can hinder one from fufilling his or her dreams in life. I call procrastination deadly and dangerous, because it is a waster of time and off course ,we all know time is the building block life on earth is made up. A lot of people would probably be better than what they presently are now, had it been they knew the true value of time and avoided procrastination because usually, someone would prolong his or her duty to a later time, just because he or she feels lazy to perform the task a hand. When there is lack of willingness or determination to do something,procrastination comes in and you begin to give excuses for a later and ideal time. The truth is that there is no ideal time, the time is now. Take every step you need to take that you know will benefit you now. Work harder and smarter while it is day time for when it is night no man can work.
The truth concerning the secret in attaining success is that there are many ways involve and all of them all yields to the fact that you must work hard and we all know that there is nothing synonymous between hardwork and laziness. We all know procrastination is a virtue attached to the lazy one's. Procrastination is in fact one of our worst enemy because it is a time killer. Every one know's from proper reasoning and logics that anything which takes away your time is gradually stealing from your life.Do not give yields to procrastination, rather try as much as possible to avoid it. It is better you did not even say anything than for you to say what you would not be able to do. Do as much as possible to avoid procrastination, do away from anything that would influence you negatively into procrastinating. Also, remember life is a choice, some choices are good and they are regarded as right choice, other's are not and they are reffered to as wrong choices. For we to carry out this right choices, we would need to loose hook from procrastination because it is an enemy of good choices.
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