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6 things you should eradicate from your life to achieve massive progress

T o achieve great feet in your chosen area of specialization, demands the productive use of your time and energy. wisdom is also required to know the right things to be implemented and also the wrong things to be ignored In other for you to soar with happiness in your chosen career.  Below are six things to be eradicate in other to achieve mass growth in your day to day activities. 1.) Bad Friends/ Peer group;  There is a common saying that birds of the same feather flock's together. That statement is quite true because two or more friends always do things in common as it is commonly observe among people. So if your friends are not encouraging you to do better or they doubt your abilities, you should begin to develop a second thought. People you should consider as friends should be people who motivates you, believe in your abilities and even support you to achieve your goals. 2.) Unprofitable stress;         Unprofitable stress should also be avoided. Anything that you know wil

7 ways to stop procrastination

Procrastination, as the name implies is a time stealer. It steals the time of an individual by making the individual compromising on the things he wish to do. There is a bad spirit attached to procrastination which make's the procrastinator thinks there is sufficient time whereas, time is limited. Now, there are five proven ways given here to enable you stop procrastinating  and they are;

      yes, you may be surprise or may begin to wonder why i said "talk less and do more" as a step to take to stop procrastination.
Talking into consideration  of series of analysis has a prove to back up the fact that most people who procrastinate are often fond of talking too much  while does who hardly procrastinate talk less. Talking too much of what you intend to do without a definite choice while you know there is limited time will lead to catastrophe. Rather, you should discipline yourself to talk little and do more of what you say and the enigma of procrastinating  would begin to fade away little  by little.

    Yes, planning cannot be gotten rid off if you desire to stop procrastination  and if you must plan, then you have to plan properly. Train yourself through planning to do the things you intend to do step by step. Try to complete a task before moving to a more complex one. It would make it easy for you. Write your plans down and try to remind yourself about your plans.

     consistency is in fact a virture to be possessed by anyone who really want to stop procrastinating  and move on with task. To be consistent  really demand's willpower and endurance  to see the things you are hoping for coming through. You have to try not to give up till you get what you are hoping for.

      A great deal of success is affiliated with willingness for action. You must be determined to change what you don't want before it get changed. You must strive before you go higher. Infact procrastinors are people who possess insufficient willingness for action. They want something but they dont will for it. As a matter of fact, evidence show's that success is strongly affiliated with a will for action.

      You can achieve anything if you concentrate to get it. Concentration is a state of attention one is targeted toward. You must be focus  towards what you want to attain  it. Remember there is time for everything and you must use most of your time for things which will  bring tangible and good result.


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6 things you should eradicate from your life to achieve massive progress

T o achieve great feet in your chosen area of specialization, demands the productive use of your time and energy. wisdom is also required to know the right things to be implemented and also the wrong things to be ignored In other for you to soar with happiness in your chosen career.  Below are six things to be eradicate in other to achieve mass growth in your day to day activities. 1.) Bad Friends/ Peer group;  There is a common saying that birds of the same feather flock's together. That statement is quite true because two or more friends always do things in common as it is commonly observe among people. So if your friends are not encouraging you to do better or they doubt your abilities, you should begin to develop a second thought. People you should consider as friends should be people who motivates you, believe in your abilities and even support you to achieve your goals. 2.) Unprofitable stress;         Unprofitable stress should also be avoided. Anything that you know wil