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6 things you should eradicate from your life to achieve massive progress

T o achieve great feet in your chosen area of specialization, demands the productive use of your time and energy. wisdom is also required to know the right things to be implemented and also the wrong things to be ignored In other for you to soar with happiness in your chosen career.  Below are six things to be eradicate in other to achieve mass growth in your day to day activities. 1.) Bad Friends/ Peer group;  There is a common saying that birds of the same feather flock's together. That statement is quite true because two or more friends always do things in common as it is commonly observe among people. So if your friends are not encouraging you to do better or they doubt your abilities, you should begin to develop a second thought. People you should consider as friends should be people who motivates you, believe in your abilities and even support you to achieve your goals. 2.) Unprofitable stress;         Unprofitable stress should also be avoided. Anything that you know wil


It is a known fact that everyone on earth has a dream they are hoping to achieve.Everyone on earth have a burning desire for one or some sort of things.Determination would play a great rôle in dream achievement and for it to turn into reality. Now,what is this détermination we have as a topic?. Determination is simply your will power. It is your choices and decisions which you take you take in life. Determination ranges from degrees to degrees among humans. Some people are do determined to the extent that you cannot convince them against their suggestions or decisions. While some other people can be easily influenced or persuaded to take another step which they initially do not want to take. . To excel and succeed in life,you must be focus and dedicated and this can be achieved through conscious determination. To set up your mind that you will achieve something no matter the distraction or critism that may come your way.One good aspect about determination is that undermine the fact that it degrees ranges from person to person,it can also be increased.And how can it be increase.Firstly,it can be increase through grace because it is the grace of God that you have such wonderful opportunity in reading this write up.Secondly,it can be increase by realising your mistakes of the past and then you try to ensure that you do not make such errors again.Thirdly,it can be increase by making proper planning and then consciously committing yourself to the routine that you've set up for yourself. . Now,concerning the aspect that grace is the first thing that can increase your determination to achieve your dreams,I say so because every now and then,no matter your mistakes in life,you must surely come across something which would signal to you to change your wrong ways.It could be in form of write ups like this,post the internet,tv presentation,consciously seeing the errors of others e.t.c. Now this is the grace or mercy of God I am talking about here.It always comes to you in one form or the other to change your wrong way and wrong motives. . Now,I guess you now know how determination works.Never look down on people,help them because looking down on people would distract from looking up on your goals.It us just like a man who boarded a plane to London,and then the flight start off.After some couple of hours,the plane land on London.The man cannot say "No,not here,not here, I was suppose to be in Paris not London.That is it,it is the same principle that Works also in détermination.Once you choose to do something,you must surely achieve it if You are focus and You do all the necessary and required things. A man who is going on a trip to another country cannot afford to be distracted or carried away by anything that will hinder him from meeting up to the time if his flight, else he would miss it because they cannot wait for him.So I use this medium to advice all the teenager and youth to be determined and perform their task well and the sky would be the limit.


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6 things you should eradicate from your life to achieve massive progress

T o achieve great feet in your chosen area of specialization, demands the productive use of your time and energy. wisdom is also required to know the right things to be implemented and also the wrong things to be ignored In other for you to soar with happiness in your chosen career.  Below are six things to be eradicate in other to achieve mass growth in your day to day activities. 1.) Bad Friends/ Peer group;  There is a common saying that birds of the same feather flock's together. That statement is quite true because two or more friends always do things in common as it is commonly observe among people. So if your friends are not encouraging you to do better or they doubt your abilities, you should begin to develop a second thought. People you should consider as friends should be people who motivates you, believe in your abilities and even support you to achieve your goals. 2.) Unprofitable stress;         Unprofitable stress should also be avoided. Anything that you know wil