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6 things you should eradicate from your life to achieve massive progress

T o achieve great feet in your chosen area of specialization, demands the productive use of your time and energy. wisdom is also required to know the right things to be implemented and also the wrong things to be ignored In other for you to soar with happiness in your chosen career.  Below are six things to be eradicate in other to achieve mass growth in your day to day activities. 1.) Bad Friends/ Peer group;  There is a common saying that birds of the same feather flock's together. That statement is quite true because two or more friends always do things in common as it is commonly observe among people. So if your friends are not encouraging you to do better or they doubt your abilities, you should begin to develop a second thought. People you should consider as friends should be people who motivates you, believe in your abilities and even support you to achieve your goals. 2.) Unprofitable stress;         Unprofitable stress should also be avoided. Anything that you know wil

When she sings

She got the voice of a little dove. The emotions of her songs, so full of love. Her patterns and co-ordinations of songs, so melodious. Her compositions,so harmonious. Her stylish effect,so thrilling. She knows how to trigger the feeling. When she sings, a crying baby smiles. When she sing,a frustrated man sees a reason to live. When she sings, a distorted mind becomes calm. When she sings, even a soldier man becomes lowly. When she sings, a proclaimed condemned feels redeemed. She sings out from her heart. She sings out her emotions. She sings for the nations. She sings for the lord God. Oh,when she sings.               -precious ovhakporie

Quote on determination

A quitter never win and a winner never quit

Quote on determination

"Keep trying  and never give up and God would bring increase"


"Words usually are spoken But true words can't be broken Some words brings motivation Others can cause frustration Some could bring manifestations Others may harness destructions Words can effect happiness It can also trigger sadness Many words can cause sickness It could also bring about fitness Words can make you smile It can also make you cry Some words are very hard Other words are very kind Many a word are amusing Many a word are annoying Words  can cause attention It can also cause distraction Some words are able to create While others can amputate Some words could be inspiring Others may be discouraging Just like two sides of a coin The same also it is with words Good words yield results that are positive While bad  word  yield  result that are negative Feed your life and your mind with the right words"

Be who you are

In the quest for true success, Attempts to mimic and become Just like someone else Isn't always the best choice. You're filled with resources and gift that can hit you up like a lift. Endowed with potentials and talent, that can take you away from rent. Armoured with wisdom and strength that can take you up to great length. All you need to do is to discover. So that you can be able to recover, from all your past failures and lossm and then you would make it in surplus. What do you do effortlessly? or what do you do best? If you don't know just try to perform some test. You would surely see result. Though you may get good comments and may likely receive some insult, but always try to do more than your best. And do not ever think of to relent Be who you are, for the lord is your strenght.

The benefit of perseverance in the pursuit for success

  Every one on earth wants to be successful. Every one wants to achieve wealth, but only few people are willing to pay the price for it. Only few people are willing to go the extreme miles of achieving true success. It is good to have dreams,especially dreams of success, but having just a dream won't guarantee you success. You must visualize it,plan it and start taking the appropriate step to ensure you get there. You cannot  only dream about the end result of something you want to achieve rather also visualize the process you need to take to get there and that is why perseverance is an important virtue anyone who really wants to succede and make wonderful impact in life should possess.   Now what is perseverance ? According to the oxford dictionary,perseverance is the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties. So you see, perseverance can also be regarded as being patient enough and being hardworking to seeing your desires accomplished.

The last time

We have come in this holy earth to  live in together,  And we can't guess when shall we  leave one another? We have come in this lovely earth to  love each other,  And we don't know the reason why do  we hate one another? We have come in this glorious earth  to make a little story,  And we don't know how do our stories  go towards the history? We have come in this rhyming earth  only for the first time,  And we don't know when shall we touch  the last time? - Syed Md.Tanveer Parve